Thursday, October 18, 2012

Identifying an unknown Device Manager device

I was recently browsing through Device Manager, and came across the following:
Unkown PCI Simple Communications Controller

Unfortunately, the properties window didn't provide much insight...
Useless Device Manager

Googling around, I found a useful tip!
If you click "Details", then scroll through the properties, one of the options will have something with "VEN_" in it.
Identifying an unknown PCI device
In this case:
VEN (Short for Vendor): 8086
DEV (Short for Device): 29C4

Simply jump along to this site, plug the DEV code in "Device Search", and *Poof* - Component Identified! (In my case, It was the Intel Management Engine Interface. Unfortunately for me, my board is End of Life, so no drivers were made for Windows 7)

For the lazy ones, copy and paste the following, and add the device code to the end :p

Good luck! \o/